Along this wonderful journey, I have learned many things that have only strengthened my relationship with God. I have very exciting news to share as I am networking my way around the surrounding areas to promote this story and the love of God that we are surrounded with, but do not always recognize.
Nancy addressing the Happy Homemakers, Exchange, PA.
In the following days, I am anticipating meeting with various Christian Radio Stations, social service organizations, counseling consortiums and so on to connect with more along the way. As each week goes by, I feel joyful that I have the opportunity to speak with these outlets in order to tell my story, What a blessing to share my experiences not only with the wonderful professionals that work in these various outreaches, but to their many viewers/ listeners/clients as well!
It fills my heart to know that people can listen to my experiences and then reach out to share their own stories with me. While A Time to Die, A Time to Live focus's on end-of-life experiences, I do encourage anyone and everyone who has any connection to grief or loss, not to hesitate to reach out to me, as well. Loss is something common to all of us. Growing through loss is not necessarily quite so common. Let's learn from each other, encourage one another and see what marvelous ways the Lord can redeem our losses and enlarge our lives.