You can plan for the birth of your child.
But how do you plan for the day when you remove food and water?
Welcome to my blog.
When life hits you with tsunami force and tears away a precious loved one, how do you climb out of the wreckage? My book, A Time To Die, A Time To Live, Making and Moving Beyond End-of-Life Decisions, is my struggle to know the will of God regarding the care of my daughter who was left with the shell that held her eternal spirit after being fatally injured in an automobile accident. Her death left me empty inside and wondering if God could ever love me after making the decision to withdraw life support. I trust this blog will help you and others move through the grief process and beyond the guilt associated with loss to a place of intimacy with the Lord.
Everyone has or will face loss at some time. Loss often catapults us into a crisis of life and faith. My blog and book are written to address those needs. We will learn to identify the difference between false-guilt and godly conviction and between false self identity and one’s true identity in Christ. The posts will illustrate the need to forgive self and others, to show compassion toward those faced with life-altering decisions, and to become aware of judgmental attitudes. Finally, I’ll provide strategies to cope with crises and incorporates concrete steps which will empower you to achieve recovery and renewal after tragedy.
The perspective of A Time To Die, A Time To Live is unique in that the involvement of an uninformed internationally known and well-respected spiritual leader exponentially increased my feelings of guilt and despair in the aftermath of our family’s end-of-life decisions for our daughter. With today’s medical advances, discussions surrounding end-of-life decisions are necessary. Therefore, it is critical to sort through the individual, spiritual, and scriptural ramifications of these issues. We will grapple with real life dilemmas and discover the means for resolution, restoration, and renewal through personal, practical, and theological illustration. If you or someone you love is caught in the crossfire of these cultural and spiritual issues, there is hope. My blog will help you:
- Confront the lies you tell yourself.
- Illuminate God’s truth about how much He loves you.
- Provide concrete steps to apply God’s truth to your life.
I hope this blog will awaken a yearning within you for more of God. It’s my prayer the Lord will use my experience to convince you of His love, His forgiveness, and His unique purpose for your life.